Mentee Application

Participant Agreement

WISE Within is a voluntary mentoring program designed to provide career resource connections and to offer guidance and career support for the growth of women moving into leadership positions in the business of sports.

By application and participation in the program, you are agreeing to the following and confirming your understanding of the mentoring program guidelines and participant commitment.

  1. I am a WISE member in good standing and will remain so through the duration of the program.
  2. I will make WISE Within a priority while participating in the program. I agree to attend the three on-site group sessions, provide feedback with timely responses to two surveys and join the WISE Within National Network.
  3. I will commit to a minimum of one meeting with my mentoring partner every four weeks, either by phone or in person. Over the course of the program period, at least two meetings will be in person. I understand that my mentoring partner and I will arrange and agree upon the time and location of the meetings.
  4. I will keep the mentoring relationship professional, strictly confidential and free of any conflicts of interest.
  5. Should there be any changes that impact the mentoring relationship or if for any reason, either party wishes to terminate the relationship, I will notify my WISE Within chapter representative before discontinuing the relationship.
  6. I understand that the mentor’s advice/counsel is part of the mentoring relationship. It is fully and solely the mentee’s responsibility for assessing such advice/counsel and for any and all personal and business decisions rendered based upon it.

I hereby grant to WISE, Inc., its affiliated chapters, and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents, a royalty or fee free license in perpetuity throughout the world to use my name, likeness, and other personal indicia and my participation and appearance in audio and/or visual material recorded in connection with the program for the purpose of promoting or enhancing the program and WISE (e.g., display on WISE or chapter websites, promotional video, etc.). As between me and WISE, I acknowledge and agree that WISE owns all right, title and interest (including, but not limited to, copyright) in any such audio visual recordings, and I agree to execute any additional documents required by WISE in furtherance of its ownership.


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