WISE Within

WISE Within Mentoring Program


The Houston WISE chapter is proud to support WISE Within, the national signature program of WISE. WISE Within is a mentoring program with a proven track record of providing valuable career resources. The relationships formed in this program create a unique opportunity to accelerate professional development by connecting women through facilitated group sessions, personal one-to-one mentoring and national online resources.

The WISE Within application process launches each February and typically lasts 4-6 weeks. Once the application window has closed, the WISE Within Committee spends several weeks reviewing submissions, conducting interviews and looking for perfect mentor/mentee matches. The mentoring program officially kicks off in April with the introduction of matches at our annual WISE Within kickoff event. As a program participant, members agree to meet at least once every four weeks (either by phone or in person). They are also invited to a mid-program event hosted by WISE that could be a happy hour, volunteer effort or some other group activity. The program concludes in October with a celebratory event for all participants.

Your WISE membership includes access to career resources available on www.wiseworks.org/resources/career.


Peer Mentor Groups


Since not every WISE Within program applicant will find their perfect match the first time they apply, the Houston WISE chapter is proud to offer Peer Mentor Groups to any member who applies and does not receive a mentor or mentee. The Peer Mentor Groups meet once per month from May-October. Each meet up will include a Featured Mentor and a conversation topic relevant to group members. For information about the Peer Mentor Groups, please email us here.


Important Dates for WISE Within 


January: Speed Mentoring Roundtable – Get a taste of what WISE Within is all about at the annual Speed Mentoring Roundtable event. Members have the opportunity to meet leaders from our industry and receive insight and advice on topics such as work/life balance, asking for a raise and networking.

February: WISE Within application process launches – Make sure your membership is renewed and submit your application to be a mentor or mentee. The WISE Within Committee will strive to make mentor/mentee pairings that have a minimum of 8 years-experience separation. Mentors must have at least 15 years professional experience. In order to ensure the program reaches as many members as possible, members are only allowed to participate as a mentee one time.

April: WISE Within kickoff event – If you’re selected as a mentor or mentee, you will be invited to meet your match at the annual program kickoff event.

May: Peer Mentor Groups begin – This monthly meet-up is designed for mentee applicants who are not matched with a mentor.

June: WISE Within mid-program event – Program participants will gather together for a happy hour, volunteer effort or a group activity to share how their WISE Within experience is going.

October: WISE Within program celebration – At the conclusion of the six-month program, participants will gather to celebrate their successful mentor/mentee experience.


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